Pouring lead
The Greek term derived from the word kleidomantia. The key technique for predicting the future.
Ritual : molten lead is poured into cold water through the legacy key ie. Its opening.
Before using these ancient methods women have been performing "Water ritual".
A woman who worked outpouring was to get water from 3 wells (from our own wells, neighbors and from one well per request). Water had to make, but by not supposed to talk to others.
In this water is poured molten lead which took different forms and from which I learned a problem that plagued the person.
Typical forms :
The man, forms parts of the human body, heart, arrows with thorns ..
Possible reasons when using this technique:
Shyness : from bad children's dreams, of animals, of unknown persons or fear in adults caused by a specific real events from the life.
Evil eye : when someone with a strong negative energy dependence and looking towards a particular person.
Healing this technique is an old ancient tradition
Above the patient can leak lead because it showed the cause of disease, but if the bigger problem was concerned, have repeatedly checked. Then the lead bound in cloth and tied as lanačić around the neck or placed under the pillow for a few days, until improvement is not started.
When he attended a lot of forms that recall the form of thorns, then that person should immediately see a doctor because she had a very serious problem.
For the love of divination used to determine whether to find a partner or when and how it will develop the existing relationship.
Spell checking for removal of the curse ii is used to establish the exact origin, who went spell and finally to remove the curse of the person can leak lead.
This ritual repels evil energy, but also acts as a boomerang, negative energy is returned to the one who sent it!
This ritual is repeated several times that the bad energy completely removed. During the ritual the women who poured out of the lead prayed for divine help.

Pouring lead is one of the oldest rituals and is used around the world in many countries because it is the most accurate way to check CAUSE best to remove and to prevent.
The ancient method that has been demonstrated, which is still the best tool against curses and spells as well as for the salvation of the bad energy!
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